# named. It may be possible to run named in a sandbox, man security for
# details.
named_enable="YES" # Run named, the DNS server (or NO).
named_program="/usr/sbin/named" # path to named, if you want a
different one.
named_flags="-u bind" # Flags for named
named_pidfile="/var/run/named/pid" # Must set this in named.conf as well
named_chrootdir="/var/named" # Chroot directory (or "" not to
auto-chroot it)
named_chroot_autoupdate="YES" # Automatically install/update chrooted
~ # components of named. See
named_symlink_enable="YES" # Symlink the chrooted pid file
Se você trocar o parametro named_program pra "/usr/local/sbin/named"
provavelmente será o suficiente.
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