
sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011

FreeBSD: Erro instalação iRedMail

postfix instalation fail

Try this:
* When you get this error, try to Install mail/postfix26/ manually:
# cd /usr/ports/mail/postfix26/
# make clean
# make install clean
* If postfix is installed with above step, edit iRedMail-0.6.1/.iRedMail.installation.status, append this line:
export status_install_port_mailpostfix26='DONE'
* Re-execute iRedMail.sh script:
# bash iRedMail.sh

FONTE: http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic1171-installation-failing-in-freebsd80-with-iredmail061.html

I also ran into this issue while installing 0.7.0-beta2. This will require a fix before .7 is released. Here is what I did to fix it based on directions from link above.

cd /usr/ports/mail/postfix26
make deinstall reinstall clean

Once complete, edit iRedMail-0.7.0-beta2/.iRedMail.installation.status and add the following line:

export status_install_port_mailpostfix26='DONE'

No meu caso, utilizo postfix 2.7. Fica "mailpostfix27".

FONTE: http://code.google.com/p/iredmail/issues/detail?id=52

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